Remy, the therapy dog has a new friend, Kaylee, who is a Cavoodle. Kaylee is currently undergoing training as a ...
Sally-Ann wishes to announce that as of 31st March 2019, she is able to see Private Clients, as well as those ...
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
Sally-Ann is able to take on Private, Self-Managed or Plan-Managed clients who are funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Those clients who are ‘Agency- Managed’ will be required to ask their Local Area Co-ordinator to transfer them across to being ‘Self-Managed’ or ‘Plan-Managed’ in order for them to be seen by Sally-Ann.
As of 31st March 2019, Sally-Ann will only be taking on Private clients as well as those NDIS funded clients who are ‘Self-Managed’ or ‘Plan-Managed’. Whilst Sally-Ann has chosen not to take on those NDIS clients whose funding is ‘agency- managed’ (by the NDIS), she is happy to assist clients in transferring over to being managed by a plan manager, or to manage their NDIS funding themselves. Managing one’s child’s funding oneself, in Sally-Ann’s opinion, provides one with greater flexibility, choice and control. As always, in the case of clients who chose to have their funding ‘plan-managed’, Sally-Ann will liaise with the appropriate plan manager to make things work smoothly. In the case of clients choosing to manage their funding themselves, receipts will be issued upon payment of the session. The client is able to then claim for the lesson on the NDUS Portal, and the NDIS will reimburse same within two to three working days. In the case of a plan manager being used, Sally-Ann will send the invoice directly to the plan manager, who hopefully will settle the account timeously (within 7 working days). Parents of Clients will be required to sign a form confirming that their child has received a lesson on a particular date, thus allowing Sally-Ann to bill the Plan-Manager directly. It remains the Parents’ ultimate responsibility that invoices are paid by the Plan-Manager.
For further information please refer to http://www.ndis.gov.au/ or call Sally-Ann on 0438 199 232.
Autism Diagnoses: At this point in time, in South Australia, for a diagnosis of Autism to be recognised by Autism SA, children will still require diagnoses from two of the following combinations of professionals: Speech Pathologist, Psychologist, or Paediatrician. Reports from these professionals plus a Notification form are sent to Autism SA for registration of a diagnosis of Autism.
As the National Disability Insurance Scheme funding is based upon the child’s ability to function within society, these reports can be most useful. Nevertheless parents who are of the opinion that their child has a disability can go straight onto the NDIS website and fill in the My Access Checker to determine whether or not their child would qualify for support. Parents can submit the necessary information to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) so that the Local Area Co-ordinators/Planners can determine whether or not their child qualifies for support. Only one report from either a Speech Pathologist, Psychologist or Paediatrician is required for this funding. Obviously, the more reports that one has, the greater the chance is for getting the appropriate amount of funding.
The amount of funding received by the child is dependent upon the functional difficulties that your child might have.
Private Clients:
Payments for services rendered are expected on the day of treatment. For those clients wishing to do direct transfers to Sally-Ann’s bank account should do so timeously so that payment is received on the day of the child’s lesson. Sally-Ann’s bank details are as follows:
ACCOUNT NAME: Sally-Ann E. Gordon.
BSB: 085 458
ACC No: 55 985 0292
As with all medical receipts, those for Speech Pathology Treatment should be retained for taxation purposes.
Plan-Managed Clients:
Upon your first NDIS plan managed session you will need bring along your child’s letter of introduction from the NDIS Plan Manager confirming the amount Client to complete a ‘Client Consent to Claim Payment From the Plan Manager Form’ which authorizes Sally-Ann to submit a claim to your child’s Plan Manager who is managing his/her funding from National Disability Insurance Agency for payment for any Speech Pathology service your child has received.
At the completion of each session, Sally-Ann requires that you sign a form that acknowledges provision of the service. Sally-Ann will bill your Plan-Manager directly. Parents of clients are ultimately responsible for payment of accounts in the event of there being any problems with Sally-Ann receiving payment from the child’s Plan-Manager.
NDIA will send you regular statements indicating how much of your child’s funding has been used to date.
Self-Managed Clients:
For those clients who would like to ‘Self-Manage’ the funding from the NDIS, Sally-Ann would need you to sign a form stating that you will be responsible for payment of the account out of your child’s NDIS banking account. Payment of invoices are expected on the day the service has been provided. Clients are encouraged to retain all receipts for auditing purposes. In some instances, clients are welcome to do a direct transfer of the amount owing for the lessons. Sally-Ann’s banking details will be at the bottom of the invoice.
Should you inadvertently run out of the NDIS funding money you as the Parent or Carer are ultimately responsible for payment of the outstanding Speech Pathology accounts.
Should you wish to purchase resources for your child using part of the allocated funding, these resources need to be factored into your child’s funding as being deemed reasonable and necessary as part of your child’s treatment. Sally-Ann is most willing to advise parents as to what resources will be needed. She will need to prescribe these resources and will send the necessary forms to your Local Area Co-ordinator or Planner for approval.